Swarthmore College Admits 969 Applicants with a Low Acceptance Rate of 6.7%

Swarthmore College has admitted 969 students to the Class of 2027, which marks a 6.7 percent acceptance rate, one of the lowest in the college's history. This year's acceptance rate is lower than the previous three years, which saw 1,021, 1,014, and 1,023 admits, respectively.

The Dean of Admissions, Jim Bock, attributed the smaller class size to over-enrollment in the past two years, which reduced space for transfer students. The admitted class is made up of students from 53 different countries, including 118 students with dual citizenship, indicating an increase in interest from international students. The college is committed to evaluating each student's application fairly through a holistic review process that takes into account academics, individual background, and personal interests. Swarthmore is also committed to welcoming a diverse student body, and this year's class includes 34 percent of first-generation college students.

The college has a test-optional policy, and about half of all applicants are electing not to submit test scores for admissions consideration. The caliber for acceptance remains high, with 94% of admitted students in the top decile of their high school class. The most popular majors for the Class of 2027 include engineering, computer science, political science, economics, and biology. Admitted students will be welcomed to Swarthmore for Swatlight, an all-expenses-paid trip for admitted students from low-income, first-generation backgrounds who have worked with community-based organizations, and Swatstruck, Swarthmore's admitted students program.


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