University of Virginia Accepts 9,190 Applicants, Bringing Acceptance Rate to 16%

The University of Virginia (UVA) has extended offers of admission to 9,190 applicants for the Class of 2027, resulting in an overall acceptance rate of 16.2%. This is a decline from last year's acceptance rate of 18.7%. Of the accepted students, 4,078 are from Virginia, and the remaining 5,112 offers are for out-of-state and international students from all 49 other states and 77 different countries. The majority of students were offered admission to the College of Arts & Sciences, followed by the School of Engineering and Applied Science, the School of Architecture, the School of Nursing, and the School of Education.

The admissions office expressed excitement about the admitted students, describing them as "extremely talented and qualified." The university waived the application fees for 1,167 accepted students across all application plans as part of its commitment to supporting first-generation and low-income students. The university also established the AccessUVA program through Student Financial Services to encourage low-income students to apply to the university during the early decision cycle.

White students make up 45% of the applicant pool and represent 3,639 members of the accepted class. Asian applicants are the second most represented group, with 2,000 accepted students. African American applicants had the largest percentage increase in application numbers compared to last year and received 910 offers of admission. Hispanic students received 847 offers of admission.

In the coming months, UVA will host a variety of programming options for newly accepted students. Days on the Lawn and events designed for admitted students to become more familiar with the university will be held throughout April, and many virtual events will also be offered for those who cannot travel to the campus this spring.


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